Andinoacara cf. pulcher Rio Chirgua
common name: Rio Chrigua blue acara
synonym: Andinoacra sp. Rio Chirgua
habitat: Rio Chirgua, northern inflows of the middle Orinoco, Venezuela
temperature: 25-30°C
size: 12-15 cm
food: Every common food, but should be fed mainly with carnivor food
aquarium size: Without any other territorial fishes you can keep a pair of them in 120x50cm, with other territorial fishes there is a minimum of 150x50cm.
socialization: Live with other south american cichlids, catfishes and big tetras. Little fishes could be eaten. The other fishes should be calm and not so wild.
reproduction: If there is a pair they quickly breed in a pit.
remark: Most of them in the trade are hybrids between the Rio Chirgua population and the Rio Cuchivero population. If they are not hybrids they have either a white fin seam (Rio Chirgua population) or an orange fin seam (Rio Cuchivero population). If they are from one breeding and one of them has an orange and the other a white fin seam you can be sure that they are hybrids.
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